Artwork Guidelines

Custom artwork is a great way to make your system stand out from the rest. In order to ensure accuracy with color, sizing, and placement, we've prepared the following guidelines to aid you in the creation/preparation of your artwork.

  • All provided artwork must be application ready. While we may be able to assist with a simple non-invasive change to your artwork, we do not provide graphic design services in-house.
  • Once a proof is approved, no further changes are permitted. Printed panels cannot be modified.
  • For best results, we recommend the use of high-resolution lossless artwork or vector graphics. (See Preparing Your Artwork below for more info)
  • Want to layout your design entirely from scratch? Templates for each system model are available in PSD (Photoshop) format. (See Templates below for more info) 
  • Send your artwork to MAINGEAR via email ( If the file is too large to attach, please send it through our WeTransfer at

Preparing Your Artwork

To ensure the best application quality, lossless high-resolution photos (PNG, TIFF) or vector graphics (SVG, AI, EPS, PDF) are recommended.

We require 300DPI files, so if you'd like an image that is 10" x 10" square, your image file needs to be at least 3000 pixels by 3000 pixels. 

Not sure what DPI your file is? It's easy to check. Right-click the image file in Windows, select Properties and then the Details tab. Scroll down to horizontal and vertical resolution. That is the DPI of the image file. For more information on DPI, and why it's important, check out this guide.

While JPEG is one of the most popular image file formats, its lossy compression makes it less-than-ideal for printing. This is especially noticeable with larger graphics or anything containing text. For more information on why you should avoid using JPEG images for high resolution printing, check out what the experts at NoJPEG have to say.

SVG, EPS, AI, PDF (Vector) Highest Typography, logos, illustrations, 3D renders
TIFF High Complex graphics, color accuracy, photography, scanned media
PNG High Complex graphics, photography
JPEG Medium Smaller non-complex graphics
GIF/BMP Low Ultra-small single-color graphics

Submitting Artwork and Proof Approval

The process is pretty straightforward, but of course, we're happy to answer any questions you may have!

  1. Submit your artwork via email ( or through WeTransfer ( Be sure to specify the size, position, and placement you're looking for. (Example: "Center the logo on the lower third of the front panel opposite the MAINGEAR logo" or "Cover the entire side panel edge-to-edge"). While simple file adjustments are oftentimes possible, remember that we don't offer in-house graphic design, and so your artwork should be exactly as you want it prior to submission.
  2. Await review and proof. Our creative team will draft up a proof based on your request. If the artwork provided is insufficient or further information is needed, we'll be sure to let you know. 
  3. Approve your proof. Once you've been sent a proof, we'll need your approval before we can proceed. If you have any revision requests, please let us know in a timely manner. Once a proof is approved, no further changes are permitted. If changes are needed after a proof has been approved, additional parts and labor costs would apply.


Artwork templates can be downloaded in PSD format via the link below. Using this template, you can lay out your graphics entirely from scratch. Many customers turn to professional graphic designers if they have a specific vision or theme in mind. What you choose to do with your artwork is entirely up to you. Make it your own!

Click here to access templates

Please remember, all artworks must be original and owned by you. MAINGEAR is unable to work with trademarked material, watermarked images, or any licensed property that doesn't belong to you.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact one of our MAINGEAR Support agents: (908-620-9050) or

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